If you require medical assistance immediately dial 111   Practice Plus, 0800 7722 7587  has GP services available from 5pm - 10pm on Weekdays and 8am - 8pm on Weekends & Holidays.

07 575 4057

Driver's Licence Medicals

Dee Street Medical offers a full range of medicals relating to your fitness to drive, covering all classes of licenses, and the over 75-year driver’s medical.

Each time you apply for, renew or replace your driver licence you have to confirm that you are medically fit to drive.

For some people, this might just involve signing a declaration on your licence application. However depending on your health history and conditions, you may need to provide a medical or eyesight certificate.

When booking let reception know that you require a Driver's Licence Medical. Please bring your current driver’s license with you at the time of your appointment.

The doctor will complete a Waka Kotahi medical certificate for you. Once you receive this you must apply for you licence within 60 days of it being signed.

75+ Drivers

Once you turn 75 you need to present a medical certificate each time you apply for your driver's licence. Drivers must renew their driver licence at age 75, 80 and every 2 years after that.

If recommended by your doctor, you will have to sit a 30-minute On-road Safety Test.

Read more about Renewing for Seniors.

Commercial Licences

Most commercial drivers require a medical certificate signed by a NZ-registered GP. If you have or need a heavy vehicle licence (classes 2, 3, 4 or 5), or a P, V, I or O endorsement, this will apply to you.